Mountain Wags Newsletter #9 - Pet Fireworks Tips
Wishing you and your family (furry friends, of course, included) a happy and safe 4th of July!

Independence Day is right around the corner and we all know what that means: BBQs, celebrations, parades and, of course, FIREWORKS! As humans, we may love those chest rumbling explosions and the wide array of color that rains down from the sky. However, for our furry friends, 4th of July can be a terrifying experience!
Here are a couple of tips to keep your pets calmer and ideally anxiety-free during this 4th of July season:
1. If you can be home with your pets during the fireworks, this can make a huge difference. Your mere presence will calm them.
2. Make sure they have access to their safe place - a crate, a bed, a covered space, etc. - where they usually feel secure.
3. If you won't be home with them, put a piece of clothing of yours that smells like you (not freshly washed) in their space with them - this can help to calm their anxiety.
4. There are a plethora of natural remedies out there to help alleviate stress and anxiety in general, but especially during 4th of July fireworks celebrations!
And... we carry a wide variety of them here at Wags. Please come in to talk with one of us about the best options for anxiety relief for your pet this 4th of July (and any other time of the year).
Happy Independence Day!