Mountain Wags Newsletter #2: Teething Puppy Tips
Happy Summer!!!
Summertime is a popular season to pick up the newest addition to your family - A PUPPY!
With a new puppy, comes teething, lots of chewing, & working those baby teeth out to make room for the adult ones.
Here are a few suggestions we have to help ease your puppy's teething trials:
1) Kongs are a wonderful option. You can fill them with wet dog food, peanut butter, or even dog kibble and some water (put Kong in a cup) and then freeze them. From there, give it to your pup to chew on.
It'll help soothe her teeth, but also keep her attention for a longer amount of time since the food is frozen and, therefore, harder to get out.

2) Nylabones are another great option. You can't freeze them like a kong, but they are a long-lasting, tougher chew that come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and textures to keep your pup intrigued.

3) A lot of times people will even get a good sized washcloth(you never want to give your dog something too small that she could end up swallowing or getting lodged in her throat), soak it in water, put it in a fun shape and throw it in the freezer. This is another option that helps soothe teething pups.
We also have a new product coming in to Wags & Whiskers that is similar to this: Chilly Bones! They contain a unique, non-toxic, water absorbing sponge that can be frozen again and again.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading! Come to the store to pick up any of the above
toys for your new fur baby!