Mountain Wags Newsletter #4: Supplemental Glucosamine for your Pet
Autumn has arrived and with it comes that bite in the air. The change in weather can cause our people joints to ache even more than usual...

Mountain Wags Newsletter #3: Furry Friend Safety during Hunting Season
Hunting season is here: Keep your furry friends safe! Many of you know that with fall right around the corner comes the start of hunting...

Mountain Wags Newsletter #2: Teething Puppy Tips
Happy Summer!!! Summertime is a popular season to pick up the newest addition to your family - A PUPPY! With a new puppy, comes teething,...

Mountain Wags Newsletter #1: Tick Prevention
Happy Nearly-4th-of-July! Hope you’re getting your red, white, and blue ready to go! We want to take this issue of Mountain Wags to...

Mountain Wags - A Newsletter all about Furry Friends
Happy Spring! We are introducing our newsletter, Mountain Wags. We will be posting Mountain Wags about once a month to bimonthly with...